What does Project 2025 Say About the Media?

It says the mainstream media are the enemy of the people.

❖  Project 2025 says mainstream media outlets are left-wing, anti-American, and biased against conservatives. The media are part of the problem, not solution.

❖  “As in the late 1970s, Americans today experience the failures of political and cultural elites in countless ways...in the media and within our institutions.” (pg. 3)

❖  The media are contemptuous of everyday, patriotic Americans, and determined to disseminate anti-American propaganda; they are the enemy of “We the people.” (pg. 10)

❖  The media are anti-American: In situations where American values should be spoken of proudly to other countries, the media instead attack the U.S. (pg. 89)

❖  Rather than providing news and information in an accurate, reliable way that promotes and supports freedom and democracy, the USAGM is mismanaged, disorganized, ineffective, and rife with waste and redundancy. (pg. 245)

❖  The media are anti-conservative, and try to put obstacles in the way of conservatives.

❖  The government should defund public media outlets like NPR, PBS and Pacifica. The FCC should limit “left of the dial” FM access for public radio outlets and levy broadcast fees.

❖  Mainstream media are not independent but beholden to particular advertisers. (pg. 460)

❖  Project 2025 suggests possibly limiting White House press briefing access to media that are deemed critical of the president’s agenda, while favoring conservative media.

❖  Project 2025 would replace 50,000 apolitical federal employees with GOP loyalists. All government communications would be controlled by the president’s men.

The take home message? Project 2025 threatens press freedom and the media’s ability to inform the public. Democracies flourish under true freedom of the press.

Read more about this issue in our longer media and labor papers.