Hate Groups on Project 2025’s Advisory Board

The Project 2025 advisory board is a Who’s Who of extremist organizations well known for their anti-democracy efforts, including (as of May 2024):

Alliance Defending Freedom, infamous for its anti-reproductive rights work restricting access to the abortion pill as well as its support for anti-LGBTQ+ policies.

Moms for Liberty, a far-right organization masquerading as a parents’ rights group dedicated to opposing school LGBTQ+ policies and racially inclusive school curriculum while supporting book bans.

American Family Association, which made its name working to set back progress on LGBTQ+ equality.

Family Research Council, which uses “discredited research and junk science” to make false claims about the LGBTQ+ community.

Center for Immigration Studies, which has a decades-long history of providing a platform for racist writers along with associating with white nationalists.

Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam), which has advocated for anti-LGBTQ+ policies on an international stage at the United Nations.

Eagle Forum, which has at least 16 Eagle Forum chapters that have been labeled as anti-government movement groups.

Source: Accountable US, based on SPLC Hatewatch files: https://accountable.us/project-2025-tapped-known-hate-extremist-groups-for-advisory-board

What Is a Hate Group?

The Southern Poverty Law Center defines a hate group as an organization or collection of individuals that – based on its official statements or principles, the statements of its leaders, or its activities – has beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics. An organization does not need to have engaged in criminal conduct or have followed their speech with actual unlawful action to be labeled a hate group.

The SPLC does not list individuals as hate groups, only organizations.

Hate groups vilify others because of their race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identity – prejudices that strike at the heart of our democratic values and fracture society along its most fragile fault lines.

Source: Frequently asked questions about hate and antigovernment groups / Southern Poverty Law Center (splcenter.org)