The Revolution Will Be Twirled: Mixer & Fundraiser

Tuesday, June 25, 9 PM at Stonewall Inn, 53 Christopher St, NYC

Join us in launching our NATIONAL PRIDE ACTION Campaign


PRIDE Month Info & Resources

  • Project 2025 & LGBTQIA+ Rights

    Learn how Project 2025 is attempting to strip away basic rights of queer and trans people, including eliminating all language around gender, and what we can do to fight back.

  • PRIDE March Signs

    Let others know what you think about what Project 2025 is trying to do to LGBTQIA+ rights. Print out our 24 x 18” signs to take to your local Trans March, Dyke March, Queer Liberation March, or PRIDE Parade.

  • LGBTQIA+ Ally Voices

    Our allies have our backs and are making their voices heard. Check out their resources and amplify their voices.

  • Special PRIDE Flyer

    A list of Project 2025’s proposed attacks on Queer and Trans Rights and Gender Identity on one side and QR codes and a graphic on the other (half-page double-sided)