Key Proposals of Project 2025

The Presidential Transition Project of the US Conservative Party

Section 1. Taking the Reins of Government

Chapter 1. The White House

  • Put an “activist” conservative White House Counsel in place.

  • Invite outside conservative legal advice to White House Office.

  • Consider limiting mainstream press access to the White House.

Chapter 2. Executive Office

  • Flex the untapped statutory powers of the OMB to control funding of offices.

  • Put OMB Program Associate Directors who are conservative loyalists in charge of vast Resource Management Offices and replace career officials with new deputy PADs.

  • Make the National Security Council a part of White House, unaccountable to other offices.

  • Seek to completely reverse Biden administration climate change policies.

  • Eliminate the Gender Policy Council and end all federal discussion or support for gender and LGBTQ+ identity, transgender care, and reproductive health, including abortion.

Chapter 3. Central Personnel Agencies- Managing the Bureaucracy


  • Support merit-based performance evaluations of federal workers.

  • Reward managers and employees who implement conservative policies.

  • Make MSBP main arbiter of federal personnel dispute cases, not EEOC.

  • Use Schedule F to remove 50,000+ career employees and prior administration holdovers.

  • Restore Trump-era Executive Orders to boost management rights vs. union power.

  • Give President the power to fast-track personnel appointees, with empowered OMB.

  • In Coast Guard, and military posts, “re-vet” promotions and hirings during Biden Administration; rehire personnel let go for refusing Covid vaccination, offer back pay.

  • Reduce US Secret Service budget; reassign USSS personnel to ICE, Justice, emphasize protection roles.

  • Eliminate the Office of Intelligence and Analysis.

  • Hire more Schedule C/political legal appointees to Office of General Counsel to assure consistency of legal viewpoints in response to Congressional requests.

  • Only political appointees from Office of Legislative Affairs should speak to Congressional staffers; all requests to pass to OLA.

Civil Rights:

  • Reduce size, authority of Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties; put it and Privacy Office under Office of General Counsel, eliminate their access to review, advise on intelligence products.

Intelligence Community:

  • Cooperate in the shrinking or elimination of the I&A (Intel, Advisory) role in the intelligence community.


  • Eliminate both Office of the Immigration Detention Ombudsman (OIDO) and Office of the Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman (CISOMB); issue policy to stop from assisting illegal aliens, DACA applicants, to obtain benefits.

  • Move Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) and Dept of Justice Executive Office for Immigration Review and the Office of Immigration Litigation to DHS control, aggressively help to build US southern border wall.


  • Only U.S. citizens, ‘lawful’ permanent residents can use or live in federally subsidized housing.


  • Deny US loans to non-U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, students at schools that provide in-state tuition to illegal aliens.


  • Eliminate the two (of four) lowest wage levels for foreign workers.


  • Equalize taxes between American citizens and working visa holders and quickly provide DHS with all tax information of illegal aliens.

Section 2. The Common Defense

Chapter 4. Dept. of Defense

  • Refocus the DOD on war fighting, chain of command accountability.

  • Adopt “irregular warfare” as a cornerstone of US military strategy abroad and at home.

  • Design a system to purchase new or experimental weapons systems without breaking the law but avoiding DOD regulatory red tape; boost U.S. military sales.

  • Increase DOD support to DHS for domestic border security.

  • Limit China and its nuclear military capability by supporting a Taiwan “denial defense”.

  • In a major step, reverse the historic U.S. policy of deterrence-only to invest and adopt an offensive missile defense policy and a space defense policy.

  • Expel individuals with “gender dysphoria” (transgender); cut public funding for transgender surgery or to facilitate abortion for service members.

  • Counter DOD diversity initiatives: eliminate “Marxist indoctrination and divisive critical race theory programs” and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) offices and staff.

  • Monitor military schools to remove “Marxist indoctrination;” eliminate tenure for leftist scholars.

  • Invest in US CyberCom.

Chapter 5. Dept of Homeland Security

  • Eliminate the Dept. of Homeland Security and create a super agency with 100,000-strong work force focused on domestic law enforcement and limit role of Office of Civil Rights.

  • Drastically expand ICE’s mandate to arrest, detain and expel undocumented immigrants.

  • Direct the Office of General Counsel to help make policy proposals legal or defend them.

  • Apply “irregular warfare” to create a militarized domestic surveillance corps against individuals or groups at odds with presidential / Project 2025 conservative agenda.

  • Use a “novel approach” to place loyalists on Day One in temporary “acting” positions with unquestioned authority to decide policy, sidestepping Congressional oversight.

Chapter 6. Dept. of State

  • Remove all Biden officials and immediately place conservative loyalists in key decision-making positions via a novel strategy of appointing them in “acting,” or temporary positions, with possibly decision-making authority, even as they await Senate approval.

  • Increase the number of loyalists in foreign policy positions.

  • In foreign policy, leverage career diplomats who align with conservative agenda.

  • Freeze and/or review all existing international treaties to assure they align with presidential agenda and foreign policy priorities.

  • Focus foreign policy on Iran, Venezuela, Russia, North Korea, and China; develop an Article X review of China policy and reverse Biden Iran policy.

  • Cut funding to international organizations that fund abortion or social policies that are viewed as counter to conservative values, including the WHO.

Chapter 7. Intelligence Community

  • Revise the Executive Order related to the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 to give the next administration expanded powers to conduct domestic intelligence activities that might infringe on civil liberties and privacy.

  • Beef up and expand the intelligence community’s activities, including the FBI, and make greater us of technology to modernize and improve the IC’s work, especially compared to China.

  • Focus on China’s Communist Party as a major global threat; prioritize IC focus on China.

Chapter 8. Media Agencies, US Agency for Global Media

  • The USAGM and VOA need a complete rehaul – or be eliminated if that’s not possible.

  • The President and NSC should have oversight of the USAGM, or alternatively, the State Department’s Office of Global Public Affairs at the Department of State to assure messaging does not reflect any enemy “anti-American” messaging.

  • The National Security Council should oversee VOA content.

  • USAGM employees need better vetting; the agency is vulnerable to foreign spies.

  • The USAGM should never be used for domestic broadcast, only foreign.

  • Cut federal funding to PBS on grounds it has liberal bias.

  • Defund federal funding to strip PBS, NPR (and Pacific Radio) of noncommercial education (NCE) status as ‘left of the dial’ stations with longer, low-frequency reach.

  • This would force the stations to pay regulatory fees not paid by NCE stations.

Chapter 9. Agency for International Development

On broad agency-wide, ideological alignment proposals:

  • Cutting USAID’s global footprint to its pre-Covid 2019 budget level.

  • “Deradicalize” agency programs and structures (DEI, gender reforms), and realign to reflect conservative Christian values and ideology.

  • In foreign policy, make China a USAIDS priority focus, highlight US free market system.

On Climate:

  • Sharply reverse Biden policy: rescind all climate policies from US foreign aid programs

  • Stop collaborating with, and funding, progressive foundations, corporations, international institutions, and NGOs that advocate “climate fanaticism”.


  • Dismantle USAID’s DEI policy apparatus, eliminate the Chief Diversity Officer and advisory positions and committees, remove DEI requirements from contract tenders, stop DEI promotion.

On Anti-Gender reforms:

  • Replace current officials who head USAIDS gender offices with anti-abortion political appointees; revise agency regulations to reflect “pro-life” values with a focus on family.

  • Rename the USAID Office of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE) as the USAID Office of Women, Children, and Families and realign resources to that office.

  • Redesignate the Senior Gender Coordinator to be “an unapologetically pro-life politically appointed” Senior Coordinator of the Office of Women, Children, and Families.

  • Rescind Biden’s 2022 Gender Policy and refocus it on Women, Children, and Families.

  • Remove all references, examples, definitions, photos, and language on USAID websites, publications, policies, contracts and grants that include the terms: “gender,” “gender equality,” “gender equity,” “gender diverse individuals,” “gender aware,” “gender sensitive,” etc.

  • Remove references to “abortion,” “reproductive health,” and “sexual and reproductive rights” and “controversial sexual education materials”.

On Pro-Life Proposals:

  • Make pro-life policies the key goal of USAID’s work.

  • Reinstate the “Mexico City Policy (“Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance (PLGHA) that denies pro-abortion policies as a condition of receiving US assistance.

On Religious Freedom:

  • Make “international religious freedom” central to USAID’s development efforts.

  • Train all USAID staff on the connection between religious freedom and development.

  • Integrate religious training into all agency’s programs, including the five-year Country Development and Coordination Strategies due for updates in 2025.


  • Support and replicate PEPFAR’s “localization” model of successful, rapid scale-up HIV and health programs, including its data reporting system that supports transparency.

  • Build Global Health Bureau’s portfolio, increasing grants to faith-based institutions.

  • Assure groups align with presidential agenda values.

On WHO, UN, international, multilateral agencies:

  • Designate a political appointee to help coordinate cross-agency efforts to hold the USG. multilateral partners (UN, WHO, etc.) accountable to financial and programmatic benchmarks, “including assurances that language promoting abortion will be removed from U.N. documents, policy statements, and technical literature”.

On Humanitarian Assistance:

  • Transfer away from large awards to large, “corrupt” U.N. agencies, global NGOs, and contractors to local, especially faith-based, entities already operating on the ground.

Section 3. The General Welfare

Chapter 10. Dept. of Agriculture

  • Via Executive Order, reverse Biden administration regulations food and animal safety, including safety rules for large-scale farming.

  • Remove Biden ‘Climate Smart’ regulations for environmental protection, climate change.

  • Push ‘America First’ agricultural production policies.

  • Decrease welfare access: enact work requirement for SNAP food program; tighten eligibility for food stamps, Thrifty Food, and WIC; K-12 school lunch program access.

  • End required food (safety) labeling; replace with voluntary labeling.

  • Reform USDA; revise its dietary guidelines.

  • Restore prior Trump Executive Order to promote timber sales, forest clearing.

Chapter 11. Dept. of Education

  • Cut DoE as a Cabinet-level agency, reorder chain of command, put loyalists in charge.

  • Redirect federal dollars to state and local governments, champion alternatives to liberal, higher education schools: private charter, trade, technical, and faith-based institutions.

  • Reverse Biden’s student loan forgiveness program and crack down on loan enforcement.

  • Eliminate equity and diversity regulations in Title IX and VI rules (SOGI, CRT).

  • Set up a Parental Savings Account program to fund parent’s school choice; boost parental control of classroom discussions and disclosure of school information to parents.

Chapter 12. Dept. of Energy and Related Commissions

  • Rename and reorient the DOE as the Department of Energy Security and Advanced Science (DESAS).

  • Dismantle any government initiatives to deal with climate change.

  • Continue destructive mining for fossil fuels.

  • Eliminate government support for renewable energy sources.

  • Deregulate nuclear reactor development.

Chapter 13. Environmental Protection Agency

  • Dismantle all attempts to address climate change and challenge the accepted scientific position on the effect of human activities on the climate.

  • Leadership by states, not federal government.

  • Loosen regulations if they get in the way of business.

  • Reduce enforcement of existing regulations.

Chapter 14. Dept. of Health and Human Services

On Abortion, fertility, marriage, family:

  • Abortion is not health care (it harms women and girls).

  • Ban Mifepristone and outlaw mailing it.

  • Ban the morning-after pill.

  • Remove all funding from Planned Parenthood.

  • Prevent Medicaid from paying for abortions.

  • Promote the ‘rhythm’ method for contraception (fertility awareness–based methods).

  • Ban fertility treatments such as three-person embryo creation.

  • Marriage and family should be defined by the Bible.

On Sex, Gender:

  • Sex is binary; any challenge to this is “junk science”.

  • Gender affirming care causes “irreversible physical and mental harm”.

On Insurance:

  • Turn Medicare into a free market program.

  • Make people pay for some care under Medicaid.

  • Put lifetime caps on Medicaid benefits.

Chapter 15. Housing and Urban Development

  • Forbid non-citizens from living in federally subsidized housing (including mixed status families).

  • Limit time allowed to receive housing benefits.

  • Prioritize married couples for housing.

  • Privatize where possible; shift public housing responsibility to private sector (via vouchers).

  • Promote and insert pro-life, religious values into government policy, wherever possible.

  • Replace civil servants with political appointees committed to president’s agenda.

Chapter 16. Dept. of the Interior

  • Reverse Biden policies to achieve “energy security” by allowing more fracking and drilling for oil and gas, especially in Alaska.

  • Give states and Indian tribes more power to decide about energy production and land use.

  • Stop supporting the use of electric vehicles.

  • Keep federal land open for grazing.

Chapter 17. Dept. of Justice

  • Replace career civil servants with a “vast expansion” of political appointees.

  • Overturn the current “politicization and weaponization” of the DOJ.

  • Enact complete review of FBI.

  • Denial of Russian election interference and the constant flow of misinformation.

  • Secure the border and rigorously enforce all immigration laws.

  • Aid the Department of Homeland Security in pursuing criminal aliens.

  • Ban all DEI initiatives as “racist”.

  • Prosecute voter fraud (transfer this responsibility to the criminal division).

  • Halt investigations of any group engaging in lawful and, in many cases, constitutionally protected activity.

  • Execute all 44 remaining federal death row prisoners; pursue death penalty for violence and sexual abuse of children.

Chapter 18. Dept. of Labor and Related Agencies

  • All labor regulations would prioritize traditional, Christian families only.

  • Protections for LGBTQ+ employees would be eliminated.

  • The impact of race could no longer be considered in discrimination cases.

  • Regulations to protect the environment would be reduced.

Chapter 19. Dept. of Transportation

  • Increased dependence on fossil fuel.

  • Change concepts of “public transit” away from current “transit provided by a public municipality” to “transit provided for the public” – opening door to private sector.

  • Expand public transit to include ‘micromobility’ solutions, ridesharing, possible future autonomous vehicles.

  • Less federal support for large infrastructure projects.

  • Deregulation of major industries (especially airlines).

Chapter 20. Dept. of Veterans Affairs

  • On Day One, eliminate Biden VA policies new administration.

  • On Day One, remove all senior Biden appointees/ federal appointees.

  • Act early to be ready for Day One labor reform implementation and legal challenges.

  • Eliminate VA support for abortion, gender reassignment surgery, diversity initiatives, and align all policies with conservative pro-life values.

  • Increase private sector delivery of VA health services, administration of benefits.

Section 4. The Economy

Chapter 21. Dept. of Commerce

  • Reform the DOC by privatizing its functions and roles where possible.

  • Take actions to “counter the malign influence of China and other U.S. adversaries.
    • Via the BIS, use the Entity List make Chinese app providers such as WeChat and ByteDance/ TikTok non-operational in US.

  • Downsize NOAA agencies that raise alarms about climate change.

  • On Census, add a citizenship question, despite a 2020 finding that this violated the Administrative Procedures Act.

  • Promote the benefits of free trade, no taxes and deregulation, for minority businesses.

Chapter 22. Dept. of Treasury

  • Reverse USG financial policies that promote climate protection, equity, diversity, accessibility.

  • Withdraw from the World Bank and IMF; evaluate USG participation in IFIs.

  • Simplify the Tax System and Tax Code; decrease IRS enforcement of taxpayers.

  • Repeal Title I, Title II, Title VIII of Dodd–Frank Act regulating financial firm activities.

  • Wind down Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; boost private investment in housing market.

Chapter 23. Export-Import Bank

Anti-Bank position:

  • Eliminate the Bank: it’s a protectionist agency that stymies economic growth.

  • Conservatives want to lower the federal government’s role in economic markets.

Pro-Bank position:

  • The Bank helps US industries compete in critical markets against foreign companies who are backed by export subsidies -- leveling the playing field and protecting US interests.

  • Failure to support the Bank gives China a “wide open field” to control ocean and shipping lanes, expand its economic influence and global power.

Chapter 24. Federal Reserve

  • Federal Reserve is outdated and needs significant reform or elimination.

  • Overly influenced by political pressures.

  • Hazardous “printing of money” fuels government spending and debt.

  • Return to the gold standard as a way to control government spending.

Chapter 25. Small Business Administration

  • “Supercharge: the SBA Office of Advocacy to reduce regulations for small businesses.

  • Punish Planned Parenthood for COVID-19 business loans given to affiliates.

  • Allow religious organizations to receive certain SBA loans.

Chapter 26. Trade

  • Transfer power for making trade agreements from Congress to the president.

  • Ensure that personnel are dedicated to carrying out the president’s vision.

  • Recognize the threat of China – current trade deficits and potential military actions.

Chapter 27. Financial Regulatory Agencies

Securities and Exchange Commission and related agencies.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

  • Abolish the Consumer Financial Protection Agency.

  • Prohibit all DEI programs.

  • Loosen regulations on businesses and entrepreneurial activities.

  • Prohibit the SEC from noting whether companies are socially responsible (e.g., on climate change).

Chapter 28. Federal Communications Commission

  • Rein in Big Tech to prohibit presumed liberal bias.

  • End free speech protections of “illegal content” – notably “indecent, profane, or similar categories of speech” that would include gender, LGBTQ topics for conservatives.

  • More aggressive stance enabling commercial exploitation of airwaves.

  • Protect against national security threats from China and TikTok as a platform, and other foreign adversaries.

Chapter 29. Federal Election Commission

  • Ensure FEC appointees are loyalists prepared to execute the President’s agenda.

  • Limit DOJ enforcement action of FECA violations.

  • Authorize the DOJ to defend public lawsuits against the FEC.

  • Propose Congressional action to reduce FEC independence, weaken campaign finance and reporting laws.

Chapter 30. Federal Trade Commission

  • The FTC should carefully recalibrate certain aspects of antitrust and consumer protection law and enforcement.

  • The FTC should set up an ESG/DEI collusion task force to investigate firms—particularly in private equity—to see if ESC practices are used as a means to meet targets, fix prices, or reduce output.

  • Congress should investigate ESG practices as a cover for anticompetitive or unfair trade practices.

  • The FTC has the authority, interest, and duty to protect children from exposure to social media;
    • The FTC should examine platforms’ advertising and contract-making with children as a deceptive or unfair trade practice, perhaps requiring written parental consent.

  • The FTC should consider a liaison to state attorneys general (AGs) to discuss enforcement policy in key sectors under the FTC’s jurisdiction: Big Tech, hospital mergers, supermarket mergers, etc.

  • The FTC must become more sophisticated in measuring consumer surplus and how platforms, including Big Tech, create and keep market power.

(Afterword) Onward!

Project 2025 is not the solution.