Position Paper




PROJECT 2025: Systematically dismantle the federal government – a soft coup.

OUR PLAN: Strengthen the institutions that we have built up since the American Revolution to protect civil rights and civil liberties, secure clean air and water, provide health care for the elderly and people with disabilities, administer justice fairly, protect Social Security, and provide for our common defense from all enemies foreign and domestic.

PROJECT 2025: Give the next administration new “supreme powers” – an autocracy.

OUR PLAN: Strengthen checks and balances so that no branch of government ever gets absolute power.

PROJECT 2025: Make bible the basic of US law and policy. Replace secular education with Christian theocracy and a pro-life agenda.

OUR PLAN: Uphold the Constitutional separation of Church and State and religious liberty. We must continue to protect the free exercise of religion but no religion must ever become our state religion. We must strengthen our public educational institutions so that they welcome and educate all our children.

PROJECT 2025: Use Executive Orders to “legally” reverse many of our constitutionally protected civil rights.

OUR PLAN: Strengthen civil rights protections so that no one may be discriminated against based on their race, religion, nationality, sex, ancestry, disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation or gender identity, military status, or predisposing genetic characteristics.

PROJECT 2025: Redeploy military to assist domestic law enforcement in border control or to monitor and clamp down on dissent by anyone opposed to the president’s agenda.

OUR PLAN: No constitutional right is more essential than the right to peacefully demonstrate for redress of grievances. We will keep the government on the side of protecting dissent. We oppose militarizing the border and US law enforcement.

PROJECT 2025: Erase gender & LGBTQ+ identity from all government rules and protection and criminalize transgender and nonbinary identity.

OUR PLAN: LGBTQ people are our families, neighbors, and ourselves. We will fight attempts to scapegoat ANY group. We will fight for equal protection and respect for all.

PROJECT 2025: Reverse racial equality, civil rights office and protections, attack diversity, and reverse environmental gains – eliminating all climate protections.

OUR PLAN: Unless and until racism is completely cured, we support continuing to take steps to achieve racial justice and harmony. On the environment, we will accelerate steps to reduce greenhouse gases that are wreaking havoc with the weather and threaten the livability of many communities, and champion alternatives to fossil fuels.

PROJECT 2025: Recruit and train 20,000 conservatives for government jobs. Resurrect Executive Order “Schedule F” to remove 50000 civil servants. Require federal government “Loyalty Pledges” to an extremist right-wing agenda.

OUR PLAN: There must never be a political litmus test for a civil service or government job. We want a civil service employing the best minds and most talented and trained professionals in every agency and department. “Loyalty Pledges” to elected officials are anti-American. Everyone’s loyalty must be to our country and to doing the best job for all of the American people. We oppose a dangerous plan to hollow out our government: it threatens the safety of all Americans.

PROJECT 2025: Eliminate federal unions, and side with management against workers.

OUR PLAN: Support the right of workers to organize and do collective bargaining.

PROJECT 2025: Reverse historic US defense policy of deterrence to offense.

OUR PLAN: We are the world’s largest military power. Our power must always be used to protect our people and stand by our allies, never to be an aggressor.

PROJECT 2025: Require US foreign policy, USAID to align with pro-life agenda.

OUR PLAN: Keep abortion and anti-gay politics out of foreign aid, particularly the PEPFAR program that has saved 25 million people worldwide from death from HIV/AIDS (and has nothing do with abortion). Our foreign aid goal is to help SAVE the lives of those devastated by earthquakes, war, drought, and hurricanes.

PROJECT 2025: Launch 180-day administrative takeover Jan. 20, 2025.

OUR PLAN: Elect a President and Congress and state and local governments and leaders dedicated to preserving and strengthening our constitutional pluralistic democracy so that power is never concentrated in the hands of a dictator.